As the Cauvery tribunal tries to resolve the water sharing dispute, it becomes evident that monsoons hold the key

Scientists think an upsurge of land may have brought two rivers together to form what is today the Cauvery.

From Mysore Road to Karnataka Sangh in Delhi, Agenda tries to understand why a legal dispute shuts down life in Bengaluru.

Most of the water for Bangalore is imported by BWSSB from the Cauvery River, which is over 100 kilometers south of the city. The water is drawn from a reservoir near the village of Thorekadanahalli. To meet the increasing demand, the "Cauvery Water Supply Scheme" was undertaken by BWSSB in three stages to supply 540 MLD of water.

cauvery river is heavily polluted. A recent study has found high levels of dioxins and furans in the drains joining the river. The study has implicated Chemplast Sanmar, a local company into

A flood tolerant and drought resistant weed spreads along the Cauvery delta, badly affecting agricultural production
