BANDA: When Sushil Kumar heard that the government was about to offer drought-hit farmers compensation in the form of monetary relief, his hopes rose. The Economic Times may have been poor, but all was not lost. With the compensation amount he would get, Kumar thought he would buy better seeds to sow for the next cropping season.

Credit Pushing Poor Farmers Into Vicious Debt Cycle
Banda: Rising debt and increasing poverty: that is the story of the average farmer in Uttar Pradesh

Banda: Everything is in short supply here, especially hope. There was a flicker of it, though, when on April 30 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh came here with Rahul Gandhi. Maybe the people were expecting a miracle, an end to the misery created by season after season of bad crops and the resultant rising debt.

Their hope proved to be short-lived.

After four dozen deaths due to heavy storm and rainfall during the last 48-hours, 14 more casualties were reported in separate mishaps in the State since Sunday evening.

In Bulundshahr, one Rakesh Agarwal, a native of Jawa locality of Aligarh was returning with his family after attending marriage of his maternal niece in Bulundshahr in the wee hours of Monday.

Corruption in implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in UP may be another point of tussle between the state and Central governments, already at loggerheads over various issues.

After getting no exact response from the state government over repeated queries regarding the action taken against officials, responsible for financial irregularities co

The Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that next three years will be observed as water years. During the years, water will be ensured in the agriculture fields of the farmers by expanding irrigation resources and projects. To bring about a white revolution, efforts are being laid to increase milk production in the state.

Raipur: Less than a few hundred metres from the landmark Chitrakote waterfall, a group of Maoists blew up an under construction police chowki on Monday. No one was injured.

Widespread rain across the state in the past few days, particularly in the last 48 hours, has come as a boon for paddy farmers, especially in the eastern Uttar Pradesh districts of Gorakhpur, Basti and Azamgarh which were facing a drought-like situation because of deficit of rainfall until last week.

Pioneer News Service | Lucknow

Amidst the inconsistency about the rain fall the state government is contemplating to declare few districts as the drought affected due to short fall of the rain than the normal one.The datas related with rain fall of the various districts are being collected and studied which may follow the official announcement in this regard shortly.

The state government had
