Maharashtra Food and Drug Minister Girish Bapat has announced a ban on the sale of Maggi with effect from today after lab tests proved presence of lead above the permissible level in the samples te
India’s food safety apparatus needs sweeping reforms to ensure that its norms are on par with international standards, including an accreditation system that not only screens labs but also its pers
The Food Safety and Drug Administration Department will file a chargesheet against KFC outlet on DB road and the company for having sold food that is unsafe for consumption, designated officer Dr R
RAIPUR: What perhaps puts a question mark on the quality of tests conducted by Chhattisgarh Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Department at the state's food testing laboratory, government of India
PUNE: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cancelled the licences of nine food business operators and suspended those of 233 others in Pune in the last financial year for dispensing unsafe an
US FDA Chief Hails India’s Food Safety Commitments
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Margaret A Hamburg on Monday said the regulator was now implementing the most sweeping food safety legislation in over 60 years.