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Global warming could lead to increased food production in rich temperate states and reduced output in poor tropical countries, a UN document

Latitudinal distribution of radiative flux at different layers has been measured for the first time over the Indian Ocean from 15°N to 20°S during intensive field
phase of INDOEX 1999. Simultaneously measurements have been made over three Indian ground stations, viz. Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum. The basic feature of
radiative flux over the Indian Ocean, Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum is similar, i.e. the radiative flux increases with altitude and reaches a maximum value at 15 km

Taking a cue from the chaos and anarchy that prevailed on Delhi roads last week, the Mumbai government is making detailed plans on how to put Mumbai on the cleaner, CNG-run track with minimal

The Delhi University's move to begin a compulsory course on environment awareness at the undergraduate level has hit its first roadblock. Funds are not available and there is confusion over who will

Anyone wondering where US military investment is headed need look no farther than the next generation of spy satellites that are being built now and will start going into orbit in 2005. The estimated

The European Union has China's support in going ahead with the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, even without the USA, senior EU officials said

Environment ministers from Japan, China and South Korea have urged the United States to stay within the framework of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and strive to ratify the pact on curbing global warming.

A decade ago, the idea that the planet was warming up as a result of human activity was largely theoretical. Not anymore. As an authoritative report issued a few weeks ago by the United

With the US still skeptical about the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to cut carbon dioxide emissions and curb global warming and the 83 other signatory nations still wrestling over the details, the EU was

Australian scientists have come up with a vaccine that could help slow global warming by eliminating the methane released by cows and sheep passing wind. Australia's pastures are its second largest
