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Employment levels and overall US economic growth would grow if a range of early and aggressive measures to curb carbon emissions were put into place, according to a World Wildlife

Images taken by US intelligence satellites have been declassified for use by scientists investigating the effects of global warming on polar ice caps. US vice president Al Gore announced the

The U.S. economy could benefit from cutting carbon emissions, creating nearly a million jobs as new pollution-free technology is employed next decade and energy is saved, according to a study. By

Global warming could paradoxically tip the world into a sudden ice age, according to new research combining the impact of the sun and human activity on climate. Nigel Weiss, professor of applied

The earth deep underneath quake-hit Greece and Turkey is fracturing like a pane of glass, increasing the possibility of further tremors in the region, a British seismologist said. "It's a bit like a

Disappearance of the golden toad in Costa Rica is a warning that the climate is changing in its natural habitat, the World Wide Fund for Nature said yesterday. The toad's extinction

Exceptional damage to coral reefs last year is a warning to take better care of a key resource. Among the most badly affected areas : the Seychelles, the Maldives and the coast of the Indian

Scientists said on Wednesday they had found evidence that carbon monoxide levels are falling over the eastern United States - evidence that efforts to curb pollution and global warning are working.

Evidence gleaned by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that 1998 is likely to be the warmest year in the US and the rest of the northern hemisphere in the past 1,200 years.

This year's Antarctic ozone hole is persisting for longer than those in recent years, according to scientists. Researchers from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) found that the hole covered
