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According to the SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC), the sea level along the coast of Bangladesh is rising at the rate of about three millimetres a year. Sea surface temperature is also

A senior Japanese scientist hinted that the current trend of global warming could be stopped to a large extent in the new millennium provided that the industrialized nations begin to consume fuel

A year ago, Zambia rang the alarm bells over the dumping of European-made domestic refrigerators that use CFCs - chemicals that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. European countries

A meteor shower will light up the sky like a Christmas tree. But electronic satellites may not enjoy it

In some people, blood pressure rises when they visit the doctor.How do they deal with it?

How a common industrial chemical becomesfuel

THE Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) held a workshop and a seminar to discuss India's stance prior to the Fourth Conference of Parties on Climate Change (cop-4), which is currently being

New research by US scientists has driven another stake into the argument that global warming could be caused by natural fluctuations in the earth's climate. People rather than natural events are

Greenpeace welcomed the decision by the companies Artsana, Prenatal and Grazioli to stop using vinyl plastic (PVC) in their products for infants and children under three worldwide. Artsana is the

Fuel companies, automobile makers and other large-scale producers of greenhouse gases are willing to spend huge sums of money on PR firms and front groups to downplay the threat of climate change, in
