Even as Tamil Nadu grapples with a poor monsoon and water shortage, people of Coimbatore have taken it upon themselves to ensure not a single household suffers from a shortage of drinking water.
COIMBATORE: Bharathi Park Road, named after the famous Bharathi Park built in 1934, and flanked by the forest college on one side, is known for its greenery and calm atmosphere.
The Coimbatore Medical College Hospital is making a move towards renewable energy. It will install as many as 45 solar-powered streetlights on its premises. R.
COIMBATORE: The city municipal corporation has proposed the setting up of a one megawatt solar power plant at its old dumpyard in Kavundampalayam with an estimated capacity to generate 5,000 units
COIMBATORE: The city municipal corporation is finally gearing up to take stern action against the manufacturers of plastic polythene bags below the permissible 40 micron size almost six months afte
At least 59 buildings have been issued notices from the city municipal corporation as part of its drive to ensure whether rainwater harvesting (RWH) structures are installed to conserve water in th