Aman paddy, vegetables, mustard, pulses, chilli on 2,60,330 hectares of lands have been damaged in the devastating cyclone Reshmi in 30 districts in the country, according to sources of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Cyclone Rashmi which hit the south early Monday has damaged crops on 2.28 lakh hectares of land in 11 districts of Barisal agriculture region and on about 1 lakh hectares in Jhenaidah, officials concerned feared.

Launches remain stationary at Sadar Ghat in the capital yesterday as the government prevented them from operating in the inclement weather. Photo: STAR
The deep depression over the Bay of Bengal grew into Cyclone Reshmi yesterday, and was approaching the country's south-western coast with the possibility of making landfall by noon today.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Commission (EC) have signed a MoU to jointly support Bangladesh in its environmental management activities.

Tropical cyclones may be a tiny help in slowing global warming by washing large amounts of vegetation and soil containing greenhouse gases into the sea, scientists said on Sunday.

Ongole Oct. 16: The incharge collector, Mr A. Dinakar Babu, on Thursday called upon the officials to be vigilant during floods and cyclones as Prakasam district has 102 km of seacoast. He said 18 cyclone shelters would be constructed in the district apart from the present 30 to serve people in emergency situations.

Cyclones in Bangladesh are large areas of low atmospheric pressure, characterized by inward-spiraling winds, which occur in the Indian Ocean. These pressure systems are known as typhoons in the Pacific Ocean, and hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. Every year these storms create chaos and destruction all over the world, but some areas are more prevalent than others.

Hyderabad, Sept. 24: The Centre will soon set up a National Cyclone Disaster Management Institute at Visakhapatnam. General N.C. Vij, vice-chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority, said here on Wednesday that the state government had offered land for the institute.

function open_new_popwin() {"image/20080915/Slide_show/photo_gallery.htm","","height=600,width=600,scrollbar=yes"); newwd.moveTo(200,75); }   A photography exhibition in Drik Gallery, Dhaka captures worlds of Bangladesh

Pete Pattisson

The land devastated by cyclone Nargis is struck by another calamity.

It is an impressive arsenal
