Work on a Rs 1,357.71-crore plan to lay an interceptor sewer along three major drains to control pollution in the Yamuna is expected to start on June this year and will be completed in 36 months, a Delhi Jal Board (DJB) affidavit in the Supreme Court said on Monday.

The DJB, represented by Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium in the Supreme Court, said the proposal for laying the interceptor sew

New Delhi: Consumers who do not have a Delhi Jal Board (DJB) connection, but discharge their sewage into its system, will now have to pay sewage charges.
The body took this decision at its board meeting on Thursday.

It has also extended its rebate scheme on payment of arrears to March 31, 2011.

With in-principle approval of Delhi Water Board (Amendment) Bill-2011 by the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) on Thursday, groundwater extraction in the Capital will be regulated strictly.

New Delhi: The flooding of the basements in the Games Village proved a major embarrassment for the organizers.

As its gas supply infrastructure has suffered major leakages over the last 30 years, the Delhi Jal Board (DJB) has decided to discontinue the supply of domestic biogas to its 4,000-odd consumers in South Delhi from January 25 next year.

NEW DELHI: Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit inaugurated the country's first

Smriti Kak Ramachandran

Will give extensive and intensive details about water, its presence and conservation

NEW DELHI: There is water in everything, even in a pair of shoes.

Warns abnormal rise in pressure affecting sewers, buildings, roads

Pointing to an abnormal rise in the pressure of sub-soil water in East Delhi, the Delhi Jal Board has acknowledged that this has had an adverse effect not only on its sewer lines but also buildings and roads in the area.

A clogged sewerage system and a massive rise in the water table from a depth of about 40 to 50 feet to a mere four to five feet are now posing a major threat to buildings in several parts of East Delhi, Urban Development and Finance Minister A.K.

New Delhi: Is Delhi government really playing Games with the CAG?
