The Union Cabinet Committee on Wednesday approved the ambitious Rs 1,357-crore Yamuna cleaning Interceptor Sewer project of the Delhi Jal Board (DJB). In what is termed as the largest fund approval for Delhi under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), the project was cleared after extensive examination by the ministries concerned.

New Delhi: A discussion among Delhi Jal Board (DJB), resident welfare associations and civil society groups on the proposed groundwater bill on Tuesday brought to the fore several apprehensions. Residents pointed out that since DJB was proposing to charge for groundwater use, would the agency then be liable if groundwater was contaminated.

NGOs Find 2 Of 53 Samples Potable, Rest Contain Heavy Metals & Pesticides

New Delhi: An analysis of Delhi

Smriti Kak Ramachandran

NEW DELHI: The Delhi Jal Board will soon be conducting a census of a different kind. Instead of asking personal information, officials will quiz residents about the services offered to them by the water utility.

New Delhi: A number of areas in the city will soon be supplied water only once a day. The programme, started by Delhi Jal Board recently, has been launched to benefit tailend areas that were either not getting any water or getting water at very low pressure.

The public and private sector are coming together to address India

NEW DELHI: The Delhi Jal Board in association with non-government organisation Forum for Organised Resource Conservation and Enhancement (FORCE), Residents' Welfare Association of Vasant Kunj and Inner Wheel Club of the locality launched a

Constructing multi-storeyed buildings in the Capital has become a bit costlier and more tedious. Before getting your building plan sanctioned from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi and Delhi Development Authority, one needs to seek a No-Objection Certificate from the Delhi Jal Board.

As Delhi Opposition leader Vijay Kumar Malhotra lambasted the government and the Delhi Jal Board on Monday for

