More than 3,000 Louisiana residents were still in emergency shelters as record flood waters receded on Monday, while government officials weighed options for temporary housing after the state's wor
The Japanese government has donated five million US dollars to help the World Food Programme (WFP) provide food assistance between September and November 2016 to over 300,000 drought-affected peopl
As floodwaters receded Thursday, a week after torrential rains decimated parts of Louisiana, communities throughout the region turned themselves inside out: people dragged carpet, furniture, sheetr
The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs, present this One Hundred and Ninety Eighth Report on 'Disaster in Chennai caused by torrential rainfall and consequent flooding in the Country'.
This paper presents a study on short-term ensemble flood forecasting specifically for small dam catchments in Japan. Numerical ensemble simulations of rainfall from the Japan Meteorological Agency nonhydrostatic model (JMA-NHM) are used as the input data to a rainfall–runoff model for predicting river discharge into a dam. The ensemble weather simulations use a conventional 10 km and a high-resolution 2 km spatial resolutions. A distributed rainfall–runoff model is constructed for the Kasahori dam catchment (approx. 70 km2) and applied with the ensemble rainfalls.
Around 40.92 lakh people have been affected so far in the devastating floods this year in the State with 41, 426.48 hectares of agricultural land being exposed to immense loss.