United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator Bishow Parajuli weekend made a US$62 million appeal to the international community to help locals rebuild homes, schools and health facilities decimated by

Increasing the resilience of buildings to natural hazards is essential as we strive to design more sustainable cities. Earthquakes pose considerable risks, as they have caused the highest number of casualties due to natural hazards in the last decade.

The death toll from natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms and forest fires dropped sharply worldwide in the first six months of 2016 but the bill has risen, the world's largest reinsurance

Urging all the stakeholders to come forward and join hands to create a disaster-resilient Odisha, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday said that in the aftermath of the Cyclone Phailin last y

GUJRAT: Out of 1,114 flood-hit houses in the district’s villages, some 600 have been declared the ‘worst-hit’ in a survey conducted by the Urban Unit of the Punjab government.

The government has constructed a total of 100 cyclone centres in the country’s coastal districts in fiscal 2013-14, aiming to save the lives and property of coastal people from the extreme climate

Seventeen months after Congress authorized up to $16 billion to fix homes wrecked by superstorm Sandy, tens of thousands of people still are living in damaged houses or paying rent on top of a mort

The Sheltering From a Gathering Storm project aims to improve understanding of the costs and benefits of climate resilient housing and contribute to the transformative change necessary to make communities more resilient to future disasters.

In a follow-up to a ceremony held in the Governor’s House in Karachi in January last year, sixteen families were on Monday given ownership documents and possession of their houses built by the St.

RICBL and dzongkhag officials study windstorm damage at Siligang village in Kabjisa gewog, Punakha
