The Great Indian Bustard, known as godwan in Rajasthan, is facing the threat of extinction due to poaching. According to estimates, there are nearly 1,000 Great Indian Bustards in the world and 75

... but is it sustainable? The Cana

This time, there are no excuses. It was not climate change, not a meteor and not global warming. Humans, and not any other agent, may have pushed Genyornis , an ostrich-sized Australian bird, into

The Endangered Species Protection Unit ( espu ) of South Africa ( sa ) has come under fire for accepting us $460, 000 from an overseas animal welfare organisation to conduct

THE Centre For Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in Hyderabad will adopt cloning techniques to preserve endangered species like lions and tigers. A centre comprising scientifically designed

Pesticides kill insects. Then, they poison animals and birds. Humans are hardly out of reach

Pesticides can render birds sterile. Migratory birds can lose sense of direction. The recent history of the world is full of many such examples ess

A crippling lack of data prevents researchers from reaching conclusions

What can we do to save the birds and ourselves from the chemical menace?

CSE confirms the presence of pesticides in animal carcasses, vultures’ main food source
