A MALAYSIAN national, Keng Liang Wong, was arrested in Mexico for smuggling exotic reptiles into the US and was charged for helping smuggle hundreds of live Komodo dragons, Timor pythons, Chinese

A TENTH of the world's known tree species face extinction, according to a recently published global survey called the "World List of Threatened Trees". The three-year survey found that more than

THE bandicoots living in a predator-proof section of the Woodlands Historic Reserve north of Melbourne, Australia, have declined from 600 to about 20 over the past two years, largely due to

Malaysia starts adoption scheme to check the dwindling turtle population

Some fish species are on the verge of extinction at Natore district in Bangladesh. Defying a government ban, fry are being caught indiscriminately from different rivers. The catching of fry varieties

The Rhinoceros sonda'icus annami-ticus, a rare and threatened sub-species of Javan rhinos unique to Vietnam, are facing certain extinc-tion. A recently-conducted census of the animals' footprints

That's where the Asian sea horses might be headed

Environmentalists have stoutly opposed the construction of the proposed Dharma port in Orissa. According to Banka Behari Das, an eminent environmentalist in the state, the government should not allow

Two small border towns, Tachilek in Myanmar and Mae Sai in Thailand, thrive on illegal trade in animal products. ANIL AGARWAL and SUNITA NARAIN take a stroll through the wildlife black market to give a gra
