KOCHI: At a time when the ‘Swachh bharat abhiyan’ programme is busy igniting minds about keeping one’s locality clean, the Nithya Sahaya Matha Church, Cheranalloor, had long since taken up the init
Chennai: People who commute between Chennai and Puducherry — as daily commuters or to party in the former French territory — have reason to raise a toast.
Kochi: The action council opposing the functioning of Nitta Gelatin India Ltd at Kathikudam village in Chalakudy has demanded immediate closure of the company in the wake of a recent report by Cent
The Kochi Corporation is clamping down on the plastic bags below 50 microns in shops. Soon, one will have to bring one's own bag to carry one's groceries or pay for every bag.
COLVA: Economy is the key and development is the need of the hour to strike a balance between the two raging issues of environment and development was the conclusion of the chair during a panel dis
COIMBATORE: In a move to promote more retail establishments to take up the 'say no to plastic bags' campaign, the Coimbatore Corporation on Thursday recognised shopkeepers and businessmen who use c
Though the indefinite protest launched by the workers of the Mysore Paper Mills (MPM), a public sector unit in Bhadravati, completes one year on November 22, it seems there is no respite in sight f
During Ashoka’s time, the focus was on a clean environment, and burning of farm chaff after harvest was banned, US-based environmental attorney and author Bruce Rich said.