Hyderabad: The manufacture and sale of plastic carry bags below 40 microns was banned by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation a few months ago, citing environmental conditions.
As seen in the 2012 Vidhan Sabha elections when a group of concerned citizens had raised environmental issues with the contesting candidates, a group of concerned youngsters has launched a green vo
Ms A Sharada Devi, Emeritus Scientist, College of Home Science, Agriculture University, Hyderabad, has called upon the textile industries to adopt eco-friendly dyeing technologies for clean and gre
Making A Difference By Being The Difference (MAD), a student activist group, has launched an innovative campaign, named as Green Vote Bank, in its bid to protect environment.
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Plastic waste management still remains a huge challenge. It poses a huge threat to the rural and urban society alike in the country.
NAGPUR: Despite the National Green Tribunal's (NGT) ban on use of coated strings for flying kites, manja is being sold openly in most markets of the city.
The commission stated that in order to prevent public nuisance, there should be usage of eco-friendly substances for preparation of election campaign/publicity material
जागरण संवाददाता, रुड़की: बंदी नोटिस के बाद भी पर्यावरण संरक्षण अधिनियम का अनुपालन न करने वाले ईट भट्ठों के विरुद्ध प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड की कार्रवाई बुधवार को भी जारी रही। पीसीबी की टीम ने प्रशासन
Maharashtra Government formed an expert committee today to look into the environmental issues related to the proposed Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project.