Altered rapeseed can play havoc with the lives of bees

Facing resistance to the introduction of gmoùc>s in the North, business houses are waiting to take advantage of the South, including India, where laws are weak

The biosafety protocol is still a chimera

There is an attempt to classify gmoc>s as organic foods to jump the curbs being contemplated

The little green men from Earth hate GMOs, and perhaps, there is reason to do so

Will a disaster take place before strong laws are adopted to protect the world against irresponsible introduction of gmoc>s?

A renewable energy alternative to pesticides is gaining popularity among farmers in south India

The police firing on helpless farmers in Madhya Pradesh was one of the most grisly incidents in recent times. But the tragedy was precipitated by the apathy of the Union government

After the failure of the cotton crop, a large numbers of farmers in Andhra Pradesh are committing suicide by consuming the very pesticide that is the root of their woe

Misguided introduction of the Indian mongoose by farmers in Jamaica over 50 years ago had resulted in decimation of the reptile population in the island. The mongoose had been introduced in an
