Cotton farmers can look forward to better days, though somewhat bela- tedly. A new technology mission with an outlay of about Rs 700 crore for five years is to be launched by the Government of India.

An alliance between the Bangladesh's Grameen Bank and US-based Monsanto company, a biotechnology corporation, is a cause of concern for farmers- Under the deal, the farmers will be offered small

For the first time in India, the draft of the Plant Varieties Protection PVP Act is being finalised by the ministry of agriculture. India, as a member of the World Trade Organisation WTO , is obliged to enact this law to protect the interests of innova

Yields from the rice-wheat cropping system in the Indo-Gangetic plain are declining despite the increasing use of chemical fertilizers. Crop residues are important components of soil fertility management, but are burnt in some areas such as Punjab state.

"Elephant grass" can be a potential source of power

FARMERS in the us are having a hard time as they have lost million of dollars following a catastrophic drought. According to reports, the blistering heat has killed more than 130 people across the

Farmers in Haryana have found a novel way to prevent rapid decline of natural forests in India. This method would also help support nearly 500 wood-based industries. They have demonstrated commercial

Farmers of the world are under attack. A new technology threatens to make them totally dependent on multinational corporations

A proposed new law threatens to abandon farmers to the tender mercies of seed corporations

Thai farmers and activists object to a US company s use of the name Jasmati for a rice variety
