PUNE: The Pune police have filed cases of violating noise pollution norms against three Ganapati mandals and issued show-cause notices to 67 other mandals seeking an explanation as to why action sh
With Deepavali round the corner, the Chief Minister’s office has directed the Secretary to the Department of Environment and Ecology to take necessary steps to prevent the sale of high-decibel crac
With the usage of Chinese crackers found to be affecting the quality of air in Delhi, the city government has asked the Centre to “continue with its ban” on them this year.
Jabalpur is a city having highest number of lakes in Madhya Pradesh. A Systematic study has been done by author on lakes of Jabalpur, in coordination with other departments i.e.
Three toddlers — aged between 3 to 14 months — have approached the Supreme Court through their parents and have urged it to completely ban bursting firecrackers during festivals and otherwise, in t
The deafening sound created by traditional instruments like dhol tasha and pakhwaj along with electronic music played on the last day of the Ganesh festival continues to cross permissible limits.
There has been a rise of 10 to 15 per cent in the number of registered and unregistered Ganesh mandals in four zones of the city, mainly due to rising political aspirations at the local level.
Around 47 tonnes of dried flowers, leaves and decorative plants used during the last five days of the Ganpati festival have been collected from the Nirmalya bins set up at immersion ghats and all o
The Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC) has issued show-cause notices to 52 Ganesh mandals for obstructing the traffic along major roads and causing sound pollution.