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An acoustic alarm called pinger could detract innocent porpoises that get trapped in fishing nets

TECHNOLOGICAL advances in the fishing industry has made life miserable for the multitudes of aquatic species. Until now it was the drift nets

The sea of Senegal is bearing the brunt of overfishing and pollution. The fishing policy of the Euro

strange are the ways of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( sepa ). They have authorised salmon farmers to use a synthetic chemical

A campaign against trawlers operating on a factory like scale in the north Pacific has been launched by Greenpeace in the US

an unusual problem has arisen off the coasts of us . It has do with the clean-up of lakes in and around the country, to get rid of waste that has led to a depletion of a certain variety of

IN THE struggle for existence, the feathered creatures are losing out to the denizens 6f the deep. Every year, Scotland carries out licenced. killing of at least a thousand wild birds to

IN A bid to wade out of troubled waters, the UK is throwing a bait to its fisherfolk. If they agree to scrap vessels and stop fishing, they will pocket a sum of us $19.8 million. The move

Crabs of Bangladesh may soon play an important role in the nation's economy. According to export promotion bureau officials, crabs are available in plenty, especially in the coastal areas.

Familiarity breeds contempt. This , in a nutshell, encapsulates the oftrepeated statements of various gov- ernmentofficials on the status of the world's natural fish stocks. At the European Union
