Two German projects see hydrogen produced by solar power as the energy source of the future

Eighty four nations may have agreed to ban the export of poisonous wastes, but major players in the trade like Germany could ruin the agreement even before it takes shape

environment-technology is "nice to have but ugly to pay for', in the words of Peter Fritz, managing director of Preussag Noell, a German company which deals exclusively with green technology. His

Pipelines have to be continuously monitored and checked in order to estimate damage. Uptill now this was done by installing flowmeters inside the pipe. Now, using a technique developed by

Good news for diplomats. This new machine will give them respite from interpreters

New research on migraine headache shows that it follows a cyclical pattern. Discovering a pattern would help the sufferers anticipate such headaches and take pain relievers in advance to mitigate the

Germany has developed a new computer which projects an image of a pc desktop on a plain, flat background. Users select files and applications by holding their hand above the flat surface and pointing

German engineers are transporting shiploads of hydrogen from Canada to Europe, where it will be harnessed as an alternate source of fuel and energy

German researchers have hit upon a novel technique that converts waste plastics into multiple gains for steel industry

The Greens. Forebears of the present German Green party. What has happened to their ideals? Why is the party viewed just as a somnolent giant today? saral sarkar examines
