The European Court of Justice has rejected Germany's complaint about the European Community's (ec) banana import rules. Germany, the largest importer of bananas, favours the Latin American variety

The German pharmaceutical giant Schering AG is in for a hard time. Androcur and Diane 35, 2 of its best-selling drugs marketed in Europe, are suspected to be potential causes of cancer. Tests carried

To reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances, a state government in Germany has hauled the reins on motorists rocketing down highways

Endless red tape and public hostility to technology have raised fears about the future of Germany's technological sector

GERMAN concern for child labour has hit carpet manufacturers in Nepal. A Panos report says that approximately 35 per cent of their export orders have fallen through and 100,000 sq metres of carpet

Not for nothing is Germany's BUND at the vanguard of the global environmental movement. It offers not only criticism but solutions as well

Waste has become a global problem, and is demanding curative technologies that require almost preternatural efficiency to execute. And that keep collapsing nevertheless.

WOOD has again emerged as a popular heating fuel in Germany and France. A programme launched seven years ago in the thickly wooded Landes region of southwestern France to promote wood as fuel

LUFTHANSA airlines of Germany has been conferred the "Stratospheric ozone protection award" by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the US. EPA recognised the airline as the first in the

SOLID waste is piling up in the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu. Entrepreneurs whose businesses are based on tourism say the country will lose tourists -- its major foreign exchange earner -- if the
