Dalhousie: Notwithstanding the fact that the Municipal Council of Dalhousie is yet to collect more than Rs 50 lakh as taxes, including water and sanitation tax, from local residents, a

Palampur: The large-scale sale of tea gardens in Kangra valley has virtually become a big scam. It has posed a threat to the existence of tea industry.

The back door sale of tea gardens in connivance with revenue officials is going on unchecked and causing a huge loss to the state exchequer.

Shimla: Groundwater resources in some highly stressed areas are being overexploited even after the enactment of the Himachal Pradesh Groundwater (Regulation and Control of Development and Management) Act because of the failure of the government to notify such areas.

An International Symposium on Snow and Avalanches (ISSA-2009), jointly organised by the Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE) and International Glaciological Society (IGS), Cambridge, UK, which will begin from April 6 to 10 at the Siachen Auditorium, SASE complex, about 4 km from here.

Having angered Kullu's gods once, its proposed ski village is turning to religion

? $300-miliion mountain resort and ski village, over 133 acres in Kulu Valley
? Said to be country's largest FDI-promoted tourism project
? Plans 130 chalets, 485-suite condo, several luxury hotels and other facilities

As many as 380 sites have been identified throughout the state for scientific disposal of muck and construction debris in accordance with the environment protection act.

Assessment of erosion status of watersheds is an essential prerequisite for Integrated Watershed Management (IWM). It not only assists in identifying the suitable soil and water conservation measures to arrest erosion and conserve water but also helps in devising best management practices (BMPs) to enhance biomass production in watersheds.

Shimla: Himachal resident Dr D.S. Rana, chairman of department of nephrology at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, has been awarded the Padmashri for his distinguished services in the field of medicine in the country and rural areas of Himachal Pradesh.

The city of Delhi gets a lot of rain every year, more than sufficient for its needs, but it does not use that rainwater. The city gets huge quantity of water from dams and rivers from long distances, equal to one of the highest quantity of water in the nation when compared on per capita basis.

Dams have had serious impacts on the lives, livelihoods, cultures and spiritual existence of indigenous, tribal and illiterate people, moreover on the physical environmental conditions and on the biodiversity of the area concerned. The dam related developmental activities in Ravi catchment area have been threatening the biodiversity in the whole catchment.
