The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for estimating flood risk, considering Noida as a case study. This paper examines the impact of different methods for estimating impervious surface cover on the prediction of peak discharges as determined by a fully distributed rainfall-runoff model (WetSpa). The study of River Yamuna and Hindon basin area shows detailed information on the spatial distribution of impervious surfaces, as obtained/calibrated from remotely sensed data.

The amount and intensity of runoff at catchment scale are largely determined by the presence of impervious land cover types, which are predominant in an urbanized area. This paper examines the impact of different methods for estimating impervious surface cover on the prediction of peak discharges as determined by a fully distributed rainfall-runoff model (WetSpa). The study of River Yamuna and Hindon basin area shows detailed information on the spatial distribution of impervious surfaces, as obtained/calibrated from remotely sensed data.

Ghaziabad: Environmentalists are up in arms over a bridge being built over Hindon that has forced the river to change its course. They say blocking the river

Its proximity to the Capital might have actually caused more damage to Ghaziabad than good. While it was busy dealing with its own pollution mess, a large part of Delhi

After exactly a year and over Rs 1 crore, the Municipal Corporation of Ghaziabad (MCG) claims to have brought down the pollution levels of the Hindon river.

GHAZIABAD: In an attempt to keep the Hindon river clean, the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam has introduced a temple waste disposal system which it claims is the first of its kind in the country.

Six rivers in western Uttar Pradesh, including the Yamuna, are now so polluted that they should be classified as dead, says a new study.

The Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation (GMC) has finally put in place a plan to save Hindon river from pollution. The civic body has constructed a

Ahead of the Commonwealth Games, the Noida Authority officials are planning to clean up the streets and drains to give a completely fresh look to foreign visitors.
