The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for estimating flood risk, considering Noida as a case study. This paper examines the impact of different methods for estimating impervious surface cover on the prediction of peak discharges as determined by a fully distributed rainfall-runoff model (WetSpa). The study of River Yamuna and Hindon basin area shows detailed information on the spatial distribution of impervious surfaces, as obtained/calibrated from remotely sensed data.

The amount and intensity of runoff at catchment scale are largely determined by the presence of impervious land cover types, which are predominant in an urbanized area. This paper examines the impact of different methods for estimating impervious surface cover on the prediction of peak discharges as determined by a fully distributed rainfall-runoff model (WetSpa). The study of River Yamuna and Hindon basin area shows detailed information on the spatial distribution of impervious surfaces, as obtained/calibrated from remotely sensed data.

Rise in population, urbanization, tourist activity and expansion of the Kumaon region has resulted in the considerable increase of vehicular traffic. This problem particularly manifests itself around the petrol pump and bus station.