Amid the rosy claims of the Gujarat government of controlling the H1N1 infection, the state on Sunday recorded 62 new swine flu cases, taking the total number of cases to 7,005 in the state this ye
Despite tall claims of the District Health Department on preparedness to deal with dengue, malaria and swine flu, these diseases have started showing their presence.
Ahmedabad: Swine flu claimed three more lives on Tuesday taking the death toll to 403 in the state this year. The state reported 76 new cases of swine flu on Tuesday.
Ahmedabad: With two more swine flu deaths reported in the state on Monday, the death toll due to the H1N1 virus infection reached 400 from January to September 11, said an official statement of the
The viral disease H1N1 (swine flu) has claimed 48 lives in the last two months in the state. Health Minister Brahm Mohindra has called it “a serious situation”.