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An Australian mining company facing a massive compensation claim following one of Europe's worst environmental disasters yesterday denied an out-of-court settlement was imminent. The Hungarian

American and British officials have accused the presidents of Liberia and Burkina Faso of taking a personal role in trading arms for diamonds in violation of a UN embargo. They also said the two

After a 1996 disaster in the Phillipines, Placer Dome, the Canadian gold mining company is trying to win over critics and restore credibility. In 1996 a tailings dam burst at its Marcopper mine in

All the names that matter in the West Bengal government have repeatedly directed Burdwan police and the Central Industrial Security Force to take steps against illegal coal mining in the

It is virtually the problem of getting caught between the devil and the deep sea for the villagers of Elangamanipuram located close to the Kanyakumari - Thiruvananthapuram National Highway near

The green hills in Himachal Pradesh have been indiscriminately stripped of its forest cover in the past 10 years, resulting in flash floods, devastating landslides and complete change in the pattern

The Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests, Mr. Babu Lal Marandi, today declared the intention of the Government to put a stop to the environmental problems being caused by the use of

Goa pays a price for unchecked mining, says a study

The United Nations Security Council moved closer to placing an embargo on rough diamond exports that fuel the war in Sierra Leone. The UN has already placed an embargo on diamonds from areas held by

Scientists, trade unionists and priests joined farmers from a northeast Sri Lanka vilalge on Thursday in a massive protest in the capital against government plans to hand over phosphate mines to a
