India calls for a united Southern stand to oppose the Moptreal Protocol amendment

India's time threatens to run out as the ozone phase out fund goes miserly

The international community may agree to do without chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) -- the chemicals identified as being primarily responsible for the depletion of the earth's ozone shield -- but the

THE Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Convention (IPCC) report has confirmed the basis of what many environmentalists have been posting warnings for some time: that the current global emissions of

UNDER the guise of concern for the environment and public health, Western governments continue to push the private agendas of large multinational interests. Experts advising international green funds

IN INDIA, the determination and articulation of the country's stands on international issues have been the exclusive mandate of diplomats and bureaucrats. No matter how critical an issue, the people

Indian manufacturers of CFCs are no longer fatalistic about winding up, but they are banding together to overcome ploys that will gag attempts to recoup their investments

Reluctantly funding developing countries for research on CFC substitutes is another exercise in enriching multinationals who created much of the ozone hole

NOW THAT developing countries such as India have agreed to respect the Montreal Protocol and phase out the use of ozone-depleting substances, the North is beginning to bare its fangs -- or, more

Atmospheric researchers are being criticised for selfishly creating panic by exaggerating the consequences of a depleted ozone layer
