With the developed world almost dropping the idea of finalising a comprehensive climate agreement at Copenhagen

New Delhi: The penultimate day of Barcelona talks saw India, China and the other G77 nations raise serious concerns at the attempt to hammer out a

At Barcelona Meet, India Says Rich-Poor Distinction Being Ignored
Nitin Sethi | TNN

AFTER a 24-hour boycott by African delegates, talks resumed in Barcelona on Wednesday. And developing countries kept up the pressure, demanding that the developed countries should cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% below 1990 levels by 2020. This is far more than what is on offer. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon


AS OFFICIALS from 192 countries converge in Barcelona for the last round of negotiations ahead of the December summit, expectations that the Copenhagen meet will result in an agreement appear to be reduced. Given the increased call for some kind of agreement at Copenhagen, it could mean a greater pressure on countries like India to make concessions during the Barcelona meet.

Clarifies India Stands By Kyoto Pact Requirements