Andhra Pradesh objects to Karnataka constructing the Paragodu barrage on a tributary of the Krishna river, but Karnataka denies violating any inter-State water-sharing agreement.

TO say that it was a political roller-coaster of a fortnight for Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa would be a gross understatement. With his back to the wall for much of October, the beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) just about staved off a strong intra-party challenge to his leadership and authority by a group of dissidents led by three brothers, G.

IT is the time of the day when all able-bodied men in any village should be working in the fields. However, at the Biligi rehabilitation centre in Karnataka's Bagalkot district, a group of unemployed men are seated behind an electronic keyboard on the sun-baked floor, practising music for a stage play.

Faced with a barrage of criticism from the Opposition that it has failed to stop Andhra Pradesh from going ahead with the construction of "unauthorised" irrigation projects in the Krishna and Godav

world -renowned scientists and writers Paul and Anne Ehrlich have for long devo

As concern for the ozone layer mounts, two more chemicals have been found to have a degenerating effect on the protective shield

A GROUP Of 10 scientists from the rich world are demanding a fresh look at the world's environmental problems today. While praising the environmental movement in the North for pioneering positive

The recent Cabinet shake up could spell trouble for India on the eco conservation front

India's time threatens to run out as the ozone phase out fund goes miserly

India passes back the buck to industrialised nations as wranglings over the Climate Change protocol continue
