By asserting the sovereignty of the right to control their tropical forests, more than 40 developing countries are gearing up to counter the North's attempts to regulate deforestation

The United Nations Environment Programme, which had previously advanced legal instruments to solve global environmental problems, is now promoting facilitative rather than punitive instruments and approaches

Kamal Nath is one of the few Indian ministers to have acquired an international image. He has traversed the globe to attend various environmental conferences and has also played host to several of his foreign counterparts. Nath argues the new found green

Environmental groups are agitated that Washington's controversial interpretation of the Biodiversity Convention distorts the spirit of the treaty.

Even as the South continues to insist on Western nations fulfilling their Rio promise to increase aid, fund flows are decreasing.

The US envoy to the UN has indicated Washington may tone down its opposition to steps taken to reduce emission of greenhouse gases.

Among steps recommended to save the marine environment of the Bay of Bengal region is involving local people in coastal development planning.

A special committee is being set up to solve clashes between the industrialised and developing countries over national and international gains in environmental projects.

Colombo is at pains to clear itself of the UNEP charge that it is one of the world's five major dolphin catchers.

International law is heading rapidly towards protecting the environment; it will gradually replace the initiative taken by national governments to base such laws on national public opinion. Between
