Eleven years after he came to power in 2000 and regularly refuting charges of numerous scams and scandals that rocked the image of his government, Orissa chief minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik now finds himself in the dock.

After the Supreme Court

Congress president Sonia Gandhi reviewed the progress of the developmental projects in her parliamentary constituency and directed the officials to speed up employment under MNREGA, repairs of roads and providing drinking water in the summer season.

Chairing the meeting of the district Vigilance and Monitoring Committee meeting here on the last day of her visit, Sonia Gandhi asked the officials

Having spent over Rs 50 lakh on executing development and cultural works under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MNREGA) scheme in villages covered under Har Gaon Ki Kahani, the Tourism Department will now link these places with established tourist circuits so as to bring dividends to people.

It is with the objective of promoting rural tourism and bringing into limelight c

States are not sure if they will receive funds under the government

JAIPUR: In a bid to ensure that those who are not provided work within the stipulated 15 days under the MGNREGA get the unemployment benefit, the government is about to introduce a uniform Form 6 across the state.

Once considered to be one of the best performing states in the country with respect to the UPA

Aadhaar has started yielding results. Maheswaram, in Ranga Reddy district, is the first mandal to issue ration through the public distribution system (PDS) based on Aadhaar-type smart cards with biometric authentication. This process saves about 20 per cent of ration. Confirms Mr K.R.B.H.N.

The National Advisory Council led by UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi has asked the health ministry and the department of public grievances to conduct a social audit of programmes under the National Rural Health Mission and implementation of the Right to Information Act on the lines of similar monitoring of schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.

An NAC member told

The Government of India through “Ministry for the Development of North-Eastern Region” (DoNER) has initiated the “North East Rural Livelihoods Project” for four north-eastern States (Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura) of India.

Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDONER) has taken up the North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) with the support of the World Bank in the States of Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura to assist the rural poor and vulnerable groups including women in improving their livelihood.
