Question raised in Rajya Sabha on shortage of doctors in rural areas, 03/03/2020. Public Health being a State Subject, all the administrative and personnel matters, including that of recruitment of specialist doctors in public health facilities lie with the respective State Governments. The shortage of health human resource in public health facilities varies from State to State depending upon their policies and context.

Worried at the increasing number of children dying at birth, the Department of Health has decided to undertake regular audit of death of infants in all the districts of the state.

The government released a draft Bill termed Digital Information Security in Healthcare Bill, which seeks to give powers to citizens about their health data and pushes for penalties on misuse

The Government of India, the Government of Nagaland and the World Bank have signed a massive 48 million dollars credit agreement for the 'Nagaland Health Project,' which aims to improve health serv

Fresh govt. data shows causes of death include pneumonia, low birth weight, which are linked to malnutrition

Malnutrition deaths in Maharashtra's tribal belt expose indifference of successive governments. (Editorial)

The surveyors have also found that there is a practice of operation theatre attendants and other staff of the hospital demanding 'badhai/shagun' from patients after the delivery of a child.

What impact has the award of the Fourteenth Finance Commission had on the resources and spending of state governments? Does it necessarily have to lead to a decline in outlays in the social sector? An illustrative and preliminary exercise for Bihar.

Undernutrition imposes a staggering cost worldwide in terms of lives lost, forgone productivity, healthcare spending, and reduced lifetime earnings. In India, nutrition policies recognize the multifaceted nature of interventions necessary to accelerate progress in nutrition.

Order of the Orissa High Court in the matter of Dolamani Pradhan Vs Union of India & Others dated 09/09/2015 regarding implementation of the National Health Mission (NHM) in the State of Odisha according to NHM and IPHS norms

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