Undernutrition imposes a staggering cost worldwide in terms of lives lost, forgone productivity, healthcare spending, and reduced lifetime earnings. In India, nutrition policies recognize the multifaceted nature of interventions necessary to accelerate progress in nutrition.

This report presents the findings of an operations research study conducted to assess the implementation of the Government of Bangladesh’s National Nutrition Services Program (NNS) and to identify the achievements, determine the bottlenecks that adversely impact these achievements, and highlight potential solutions to ensure smooth delivery of t

As the world approaches the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

India State Hunger Index 2008 by IFPRI highlights the continued overall severity of the hunger situation in India, while revealing the variation in hunger across states within India.

India has consistently ranked poorly on the Global Hunger Index. The Global Hunger Index 2008 reveals India

Food-assisted maternal and child health and nutrition programmes usually target underweight children younger than 5 years of age. Previous evidence suggests that targeting nutrition interventions earlier in life, before children become undernourished, might be more effective for reduction of childhood undernutrition.