A memorandum of understanding signed between multinational beverage giant Coca Cola and Uttarakhand government to set up a Rs 600 crore bottling plant in the district has triggered protests by envi

Navdanya, the People’s Science Institute and the Friends of Doon — all local environment protection groups — have urged Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna to immediately cancel the memorandum of understanding signed with Coca-Cola that plans to set up a unit in Vikas Nagar area near here.

“We will never allow Coca-Cola to set up its plant in the ecologically sensitive Doon Valley as the plant, besides stealing our water, will pollute the groundwater with highly dangerous chemicals and metals causing untold misery to the local community and convert the neighbouring agricultural lands into wastelands,” said Vandana Shiva of Navdanya.

THIRUVANATHAPURAM: The Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action (CISSA), which was selected by the United Nations as the partner organisation to celebrate International Year of Biodiversity in India, supported by the National Biodiversity Authority, the Kerala State Biodiversity Board, the University of Kerala and a Delhi-based NGO Navdanya, will hold the first Indian Biodiversity Congre

NEW DELHI: Rotting grain violate the sanctity of food and the people's right to it, Navdanya, an NGO, said here on Tuesday.

Criticising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement that distribution of free grain would be anti-farmer, the NGO said that, on the contrary, farmers who were ready to harvest their kharif crop would be hurt if the government did not procure enough because it lacked adeq