taking a cue from Sweden and Germany, Belgium is going ahead with its plan to phase out the country's nuclear reactors by 2025. Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt recently said that his

The Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (barc), Mumbai, used "wrong' data and "unacceptable' methods of analysis to arrive at erroneous results that were published in several journals and world

Two experiments succeed in creating super heavy elements, improving our understanding of the nuclear structure

Around 100 villagers in Thailand protested on August 27 against a

Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory have made a thermonuclear fusion reactor that, they claim, can fit on a laboratory bench. The reactor consists of

The tests at Pokharan have shown that, given the right thrust, India can develop thermonuclear power plants

Ever wonder what a nuclear explosion looks like from the inside?

ACCORDING to a study published by the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), New Delhi, India will have the capacity to produce up to 50 nuclear weapons by the year 2000. The study says

If neutrinos have mass, one of the biggest mysteries of cosmology may be solved

with a view to curbing the spread of Russian nuclear technology to other countries, the us department of energy will be funding the development of a new nuclear reactor design at the
