In comes the deal, so does the demand. Even as dust over the Indo-US nuclear deal is yet to settle in the political circles, the academia is moving forward to meet the demand for hundreds of trained hands to man the power stations envisaged for the future.

Coming down heavily on activists for spreading

This article reviews highlights of low energy nuclear reaction research, part of the field of condensed matter nuclear science. The field evolved from the so-called cold fusion discovery of two electrochemists, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons at the University of Utah. Since the announcement of their discovery in 1989, more than 200 researchers in 13 nations have confirmed and expanded the set of experimental evidence that provides the validation for this new field of science.

Giant Particle Accelerator Could Create Black Hole That Might Eat Up Earth: Lawsuit

Nuclear power is expensive and unsafe, nuclear weapons are barbarous. We don t need them

Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream

Scientists produce antimatter to put the Big bang theory under the scrutiny

Is US roping in India on the sly to subvert Kyoto Protocol?

Report dubs environmental guidelines as obstacles to atomic energy projects

Cold War nuclear testing has caused 11,000 cancer deaths in the US
