Indian Agricultural Research Institute scientists have identified two fungus species that can convert chopped paddy straw into organic manure. As fodder for farm animals, straw has poor nutritive

An innovative scheme that combines the latest biotechnology with traditional organic farming methods will be tried out in some villages in Pondicherry to improve the income levels of the landless,

Cultivation with the least amount of human intervention can yield rich harvests and does not degrade the soil

After setting the trend of grape cultivation in Sangli district, Ganapathyrao Mhetre is all set to introduce organic farming techniques

The increasing demand for organic food is causing shortages and adulteration

For Jayanth V Barve, generating vermicompost is equivalent to converting waste into gold

Vermicampost worm excreta is emerging as a feasible substitute for chemical fertilisers

For ages, Indian farmers have practised ecofriendly farming by using local resources to improve soil fertility and control pests and diseases. However, with the Green Revolution, along with the high-yielding varieties, synthetic fertilisers and pesticides

FARMERS and agencies in many parts of the country are experimenting with organic farming-using natural products such as manure - because it is ecofriendly and because such farm products are gaining

The visit in mid-December of a delegation from the Japanese International Nature Farming Research Centre (INFRC), gave a big boost to organic farmers in India. The Japanese are proponents of a
