Will a right environment be created by the budget this year?

in an attempt to assist organic farmers, the Union government is intending to clamp one per cent tax on chemical

a national-level permanent board to monitor the promotion of organic farming in the country has been mooted by a task force on organic farming. According to the recommendations of the task force, the

The Argentine Movement for Organic Production (mapo), a group of 300 organic farmers, has recently filed a complaint against the Agriculture Department demanding that it should stop approving the

Anna University is turning green with serious efforts to curtail pollution within the campus

Lack of lagislation and certification undermines the potential of organic farming in India

Bottlenecks and hassles confront the Indian organic producers

The Indian farmer is naturally organic. But without support and premium for green crops, there is no alternative but to take the chemical route

A few individuals are trying to bring about changes at the grassroots level through dedicated and sustained work

Only a sea change in farming techniques will help save the European agricultural sector from disasters like the foot and mouth disease
