Innovative farming system revives a farmer s fortune in Krishnagiri district, Tamil Nadu

Indian Bt cotton varieties show 75 per cent expression of the Bt gene, while elsewhere it is 100 per cent

Over conventional farming

The right mix of quality and profits

Mizoram passes legislation to go fully organic, Sikkim already on the path

Three villages in West Bengal s Darjeeling district also export organic tea

Vermicompost has changed fortunes of farmers in a drought prone Karnataka district

There is dramatic evidence that various Greenhouse Gases are responsible for Global Warming and climate change. This present study discusses the potential of Organic Agriculture both to avoid and to sequester Greenhouse Gases (GHG), and makes comparisons with conventional agriculture.

A sudden spurt has been witnessed in the states opting for organic farming. Uttaranchal, Sikkim, Nagaland and Meghalaya are planning to ban the use of chemicals in their agricultural processes. In

Ramesh Chander Dagar, an organic farmer from Akbarpur Barota village, Sonipat, Haryana demonstrates how
