Scientists are quietly celebrating some good news about the global environment. Two studies published this week suggest that international action to protect the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is

Scientists are quietly celebrating some good news about the global environment. Two studies published this week suggest that international action to protect the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is

The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica may close within 50 years as the level of destructive ozone-depleting CFCs in the atmosphere is declining, a leading atmospheric scientist said. Paul

The damaged ozone layer the shield that protects the earth from harmful solar radiation is showing signs of recovery, according to a new study to be released. The summary of a report by senior

The Centre will provide Rs 30 core to Karnataka for phasing out 350 tonnes of ozone depleting substances (ODS) from 12 projects, out of a total of Rs 610 crore received as funds from developed

Environment and Transport Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Naseemuddin Siddiqui on Monday appealed to people to use ozone friendly commodities and to keep their environment clean and green. The minister

About seventy per cent of the 2.8 million commercial and domestic refrigerators used in Bangladesh contain chloro fluoro carbons (CFC) which are responsible for contributing to ozone depleting

September 16 is observed as the World Ozone Day. It is the day in 1987 the Montreal Protocol was signed. The damage caused to the Ozone layer is a matter of serious concern. This year, Antarctic

Four chemicals said to be ecofriendly are destroying the ozone layer

A four atom oxygen molecule might make for good fuel
