LUCKNOW: Hitting out at the Mayawati government for miserably failing in managing the power sector and rampant corruption plaguing the UP Power Corporation Ltd, chairperson of UPCC media cell Vivek Singh said that he has shot off a letter to the Centre requesting it to withhold further aid to the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Project till a Central agency carried out verification of its prope

New Delhi: Come June, power discom NDPL

LUCKNOW: Get ready to shell out 50 paise more for every unit of electricity you consume. The UP Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) on Thursday announced the hike in power tariff for various categories of consumers. The new tariff would come into force seven days after the state government declares it through a public notice.

To offset power demand in summers, the Chandigarh Administration has worked out an exchange model with the Jammu and Kashmir government.

Under an agreement with the Administration, the state would spare 30 Mega Watts (MW) of electricity for the city during summers

After much delay, Torrent Power Limited is set to take over power distribution and bill collection in Agra from state-owned Pashchimanchal Power Corporation on April 1.

This will be the Mayawati government

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India in its latest report has detected a wasteful expenditure of worth Rs 16.86 crore by the Power Development Department (PDD) on construction of a transmission line from Jammu to Udhampur. Improper planning of the department concerned resulted in idle expenditure of such a whooping amount.

Mumbai: The government has been claiming a load-shedding free Maharashtra by 2012, but the provision in the budget indicates otherwise.

Three of its major power generation plants, with consolidated generation of more than 4,000mw, are expected to be commissioned not before 2014-15, the budget document states.

BHUBANESWAR: The Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC) on Saturday hiked power tariff by 30 per cent after keeping it unchanged for a decade. The last tariff hike was effected in 2001-02.

As per the new tariff order, the average bulk supply tariff (BST) has been increased from Rs 1.22 per unit to Rs 1.60 per unit. The new power tariff will come into effect from April 1.

With increase in power demand from the agriculture sector and lower water level in the Bhakra and Pong Dam reservoirs, there has been a sudden power crisis in Punjab. According to Punjab State Electricity Board officials, unscheduled power cuts are unavoidable because of the regulatory steps taken by the board for ensuring the security of the northern grid.

Pointing out that the average power tariff charged from the consumers in India was one of the highest in the world, the Planning Commission has lashed out at the distribution utilities for their poor power procurement planning and portfolio optimisation skills.
