Flaying the grow ing tendencies of

World wind power resources are abundant, but their utilization could be limited because wind fluctuates rather than providing steady power. We hypothesize that wind power output could be stabilized if wind generators were located in a meteorologically designed configuration and electrically connected.

With the power requirements in Madhya Pradesh escalating to a massive 6,600 MW, the state is in dire requirement of additional sources of power generation.

Work On Four Plants To End Only By July-End

New Delhi: Several areas of Delhi continued to face major outages on Monday even as the government claimed that it had sufficient power to meet the summer demand.

With power supply going haywire followed by angered protests by denizens across the state, UP power corporation ltd. (UPPCL) on Sunday directed its all efforts on purchasing more power to meet the escalating demand.

LUCKNOW: Power-starved Uttar Pradesh was staring at a serious crisis after the fourth unit of 500 mw capacity in Anpara-B tripped late on Friday night. The unit, in fact, had to be shut down following sudden heavy leakage from an economiser in the boiler. The snag was expected to be rectified only by Sunday evening.

Adverse hydrology apart, generation from projects of the State Electricity Board has been declining due to indifferent management and unplanned and poor maintenance, resulting in loss of revenue amounting to more than Rs 150 crore over the past five years.


Soaring temperatures took a toll on power supply in the state capital today as overheated transformers at the Hatia grid forced the Jharkhand State Electricity Board (JSEB) to enforce blackouts throughout Ranchi as a precautionary measure.

Mumbai: Even as the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL) continues to reel under financial strain with non-payment of dues up to Rs8,000 crore, the state government seems to have added to its woes.

The government is yet to shell out over Rs600 crore for the 1,500 MW power it had directed MSEDCL to purchase to avoid shortage during parliamentary elections.
