LUCKNOW: As if the prevailing power crisis following tripping of thermal power units in the state was not enough, employees of UP Power Corporation (UPPCL) threatened of going on a two-day strike beginning Tuesday in protest against proposed privatisation of power distribution in Kanpur.

High humidity coupled with extreme temperatures has resulted power demand in the Capital rising to unprecedented figures. Monday recorded the highest ever peak power demand at 4,668 MW, surpassing the May 24 record of 4,581 MW.

Till last year, the dreaded peak power demand mark for the department was a humble 4,500 MW. This summer, however, this mark has been crossed several times already.

Electricity is a critical infrastructure on which the socio-economic development of the State depends. The reliable, quality, and affordable power supply is one of the key drivers for the State's industrial and commercial growth. Punjab is far away from the coal mines/fuel sources. Higher freight on the coal/fuel substantially enhances the cost of power.

LUCKNOW: This summer, UP is on the precipice. With five major thermal power stations having tripped in the last five days, the state grid has lost 1,000mw of the total input of 2,500mw per day. Besides, one plant is in a shut-down mode for the last one-and-a-half years for renovation work.

The Punjab Cabinet hasapproved the Power Generation Policy, 2010 to transform the state from a power deficit to a power surplus state, besides ensuring quality supply of power to all consumers at affordable prices.

BHUBANESWAR: The Orissa Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) and the Western Electricity Supply Company (WESCO) have been instructed to upgrade the grid substations, enhance the capacity of distribution transformers and replace conductors in a time bound manner in Kalahandi district.

The objectives of this policy are: to harness the hydropower capacity of the State in a manner that is consistent with policy of the State Government; to generate and provide employment opportunities to the people of the State, particularly those who live in the project areas; to develop hydropower projects in an eco-friendly manner causing minimum distress to affected people; to secure the long t

In a departure from its business-as-usual approach, UPA-II is set to ensure accountability of its ministers manning core sector ministries. The Manmohan Singh government has now finalised plans to come out with the performance of these ministries.

Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh government is targeting to supply round-the-clock power to all regions of the state by 2013. The state is expecting the power generation capacity to rise by 5000 MW by 2013. Besides, several MoUs have been signed with private sector companies for establishing thermal power plants to generate 56,000 MW of power in the state, an official release said here today.

Thermal projects of more than 14,000 MW, at an estimated investment of Rs 70,000 crore, are embroiled in power play. The Chhattisgarh Government and Union Ministries for Power and Coal are ranged against Union Ministry for Environment & Forest for refusing clearances and putting the projects on hold.
