Just three days after the northern power grid collapsed, the Union Power Ministry has pulled the northern states for the lapse and has asked all of them to file a status report on adopting new anti-fog technology for protecting the grid. The information has been sought till January 8.

BHUBANESWAR: Even as the Government has resorted to load-shedding across the State to get over the energy shortfall, the forecast of the annual load generation balance report of the Central Electricity Authority on the energy situation does not bode well for the next year.

Set up more than a year ago to put in place an effective mechanism to regulate and monitor the fast growing hydropower sector, the directorate of energy has virtually failed to take off due to indifferent attitude of the government.

Punjab is facing its worst power crisis. Power cuts are being imposed because of the rising gap between demand and supply. Though the state has initiated the process to set up huge coal-based thermal plants, it will take another four to five years to fructify.

Jamshedpur, Jan. 3: There is bad news in store for power pilferers.

The Jharkhand State Electricity Board (JSEB) is ready to crack its whip again.

After successful completion of its anti-power theft drive in Jamshedpur and Adityapur circles in December, JSEB is gearing up to continue the campaign in January too.

Pradeep Pandey MUMBAI

Energy is a prime requirement for sustainable development and poverty reduction. The energy dimension of poverty is fundamental. Lack of energy/electricity perpetuates poverty as it precludes most industrial activities and the jobs they create.

NEYVELI Lignite Corporation on Wednesday said it plans to venture into power generation and mining industry business.

Edifice of State appears to have developed cracks as not only roads are dilapidated but during peak hours there is acute shortage of electricity also.

During Rabi season distribution transformers' inventory has been prepared. Work of replacing burnt and dysfunctional transformers is being done at fast pace. About 4500 additional transformers are lying with the Electricity Distribution Companies.
