The author highlights the eternal dilemma between energy and coal-powered growth and environment. In view of the continued dependence of the Indian economy on coal-based energy in the years to come, it has serious implications for the environment. The importance of using Clean Coal Technologies including reneawables, amongst other measures, has been brought out.
Energy is of paramount importance in the context of environment & sustainable development. Petroleum and natural gas play a major role in energy security in India. Around 80% of oil has to be imported and thereby underlines its importance.
The Author in her article has given a round up of inter-relationships between Environment, Climate Change and Growth vis-a-vis development. Sustainable development issues, including the Millennium Development Goals set by the UN for the developing countries have been highlighted.
Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing mankind today and sustainable development an increasingly bigger challenge. The Author, who hails from the administrative services, has acquired considerable experience in the commerce and education sectors. In this paper, he highlights that sustainable living has been a way of life in India and part of its collective psyche.
The performance of the Indian economy has been robust in the new century. The impact of the global financial crisis on us was also muted; and the recovery too has been rapid. By most estimates and planning agencies the Indian economy is forecast to grow by 8-10% in the coming decades and become one of the major economies by 2050.
Gandhiji, Father of our Nation, is universally accepted as an exemplary model of ethical/moral life. Though he was not necessarily a theoretician of economics, he had given valuable concepts and an underlying philosophy for a humane, sustainable and ethical socio-economic order.
India is being variously described as a developing country to an 'almost developed country'. The truth lies towards the latter. It is globalising rapidly and is now one of the leading countries competing for global knowledge work.
The author explores the nuances of inclusive growth and the technological infrastructure that is required for modernising India. The areas covered include, amongst others, IT, agriculture, transport, education, services and energy.
The author has given an extensive round up of the renewable energy scenario in India, bringing out the growth and prospects in this almost infinite and clean energy area.
Railways are seen as the lifeline of the nation. The Author, in his perceptive paper brings out the importance of Railways as an engine of economic growth. He postulates that transport systems promote economic growth by increasing mobility and improving physical access to markets & resources.