The Obama administration

Solar power can be the basis for energy security and competitive strength in a carbon-conscious world
Nitin Desai / New Delhi August 20, 2009, 0:53 IST

The government has unveiled an ambitious programme for solar energy development with the goal of 20,000 MW of solar power capacity by 2020. The plan aims at ensuring that by 2020 solar power is cost-competitive. How realistic is this?

China started construction of the country's first 10-gigawa wind power base in Jiuquan of northwest Gansu province on Saturday as Beijing seeks more clean power to fuel its fast economic growth.

The Scottish government has given the go-ahead to two wind power projects, including one held up in the planning system for five years, that could supply enough clean energy for about 43,000 homes, it said on Friday.

THE country

Prachi Raturi Misra

: Today, 10 CEOs will brainstorm on environmental issues in the capital. The CEO roundtable is being organised as a part of the 3rd Renewable Energy India 2009 Expo.

Rajiv Tikoo

The Environment Protection Department (EPD) is initiating a solar energy project in southern Punjab, an official told Dawn.

The project cost is about Rs84 million and Rs34.505 million has been earmarked for the current year, says EPD Director General Shagufta Shahjahan.

To be built on a public-private partnership basis
The plant will be located at Ghogha Dairy complex

Leslie D'Monte / Mumbai August 04, 2009, 0:30 IST

Vijaya Kumari, a widow from Nagapattinam, earned her living by doing other people
