The Planning Commission approved Rs 16,300 crore for Jharkhand for 2012-13 against the last financial year’s allocation of Rs 12,232 crors. The state had demanded for Rs 15,323 crore for last year which the Planning Commission had curtailed due to non-utilization of approved funds made by Planning Commission.

Chief minister Arjun Munda told the Planning Commission that Jharkhand needed a central package like Uttar Pradesh and special concessions like Bihar as the state’s various development projects were being seriously affected.

The Centre has sanctioned 2,389 projects under the Integrated Action Plan for the construction of 9,070 km of road at an estimated cost of Rs 3,387 crore in rural Bihar to mitigate the impact of na

KOLKATA, 6 AUG: There was quite a bit of confusion within the administration after the Public Works Department (PWD) was asked to execute a project funded by the Asian Development Bank on rural con

Jammu: Expressing concern over poor implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojna (PMGSY), the Committee on Estimates (EC) of the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly today directed the

According to this latest Basic Road Statistics Report published by the highways ministry, congestion in urban areas has risen due to the disproportionate increase in road length & vehicular growth. Says that growth of cars in the past decade has surpassed two-wheelers.

GANDERBAL, July 30: The residents of Malshahibagh village of Chief Minister’s constituency in district Ganderbal today held massive protest demonstrations, blaming the government for prolonged dela

JAIPUR: National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) on Thursday sanctioned Rs 1355 crore for the construction of roads in rural parts of Rajasthan. The financial support is in the form of soft loans under NABARD's rural infrastructure development fund.

State government is aiming to connect all the villages with population of 250 to 500 with the tar roads. However, out of 2900 eligible villages under the scheme, NABARD will only fund for 1337 villages covering 4822 kilometers. Rest of the villages will be covered from the aid received from World Bank and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).

Ranchi, July 24: The Saranda villagers’ wish of getting piped water and toilets at their houses may actually get fulfilled.

An eight-member central team comprising members from the Planning Commission, Central Water Board and drainage experts on Monday visited the water-logged villages in Muktsar, where a large swath of

Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Rural Roads Development Authority (RRDA) has started work to construct 3,000 kilometer long gravel roads in the state under Mukhyamantri Gram Sadak Yojna.
