Two billion tons of human and animal waste and industrial pollution are dumped into waterways every day around the world, according to reports released in Nairobi, Kenya, for the 17th annual World Water Day

March 21: Hyderabad

While many hotels and residential homes have been accused of discharging sewage water in open spaces, the PWD now seems to be following in their footsteps.
It should have been treating sewage in a scientific manner, but the PWD Sewage Pumping Station 1 located behind Pai Hospital has been accused of discharging sewage water into a Nullah behind the pumping station.

More than just money is needed to save the Ganga and Yamuna

After a half-century of use in products ranging from electrical transformers to caulk to paint, PCBs were banned in the late 1970s as one of the

THE untreated sewerage water of the cities is a big problem in Punjab with its stink making life a hell for the urbanites. With no treatment facilities at most of the places, water flows through open nullahs and pollute the water bodies, including rivulets, water streams and even the rivers.

The risk of gastrointestinal illness to swimmers from fresh sewage and non-sewage fecal sources at recreational beaches was predicted using quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA).

The Himachal government accepted in the Assembly on Wednesday that the jaundice outbreak in Shimla was an outcome of the contamination of drinking water with sewerage water in various residential localities.

Mumbai: The already delayed Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project may be even further delayed as the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) is up against a rather peculiar problem. The civic administration does not know just how to dispose of the sludge resulting from the treatment of sewage water for non-potable purposes.

With an aim to upgrade the sewage system of Allahabad, the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) has sanctioned over Rs 315 crore project for this holy city.
