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Six monthly progress report on solid waste and liquid waste management of Manipur state in compliance with the National Green Tribunal (NGT) order, December 12, 2022.

A team of officers from Department of Tribal Affairs & Hills and Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Urban Development, PHED and officials from Directorate of Environment and Climate Change have visited at Indore City for exposure of success story on waste management. Now, the team is preparing an integrated action plan for waste management in urban, rural and hill areas.

Compliance affidavit on behalf of Forest Department (South) in the matter of Naveen Dagar Vs Govt of NCT of Delhi, June 7, 2023.

The complaint said that garbage collectors collect garbage from a society of Chattarpur Enclave, take it to a forest area near the said society and set the garbage on fire causing air pollution and damaging the environment.

The NGT, January 10, 2023 directed the Delhi Pollution Control Committee, District Forest Officer and District Magistrate, South Delhi to look into the matter and take appropriate remedial and preventive measures.

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board report regarding compliance of the National Green Tribunal order under Original Application No 265/2023 in the matter of Pappu Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh.

The matter related to unscientific dumping of solid waste in village Fatehpur, district Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh on the bank of Upper Canal Division Escape, resulting in the pollution of the canal. The dumped solid waste is also causing air pollution and foul smell.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Nirmal Kumar Tripathi Vs Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board & Others dated 31/05/2023.

As global plastic waste continues to grow, the global community is coalescing to reduce plastic waste. Some stakeholders are also exploring new options to use plastic waste as partial substitute for raw material.

Concerned ministries of the central government were directed by the NGT to file their respective action taken reports in the matter of solid and liquid waste management within three months.

Report by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi regarding municipal solid waste management in 15 unauthorised colonies in Sabhapur. In these colonies, the garbage is being collected in the dustbin and garbage boat being provided by the Metrro Waste company, the concessionaire.

This report examines the economic and business models needed to address the impacts of the plastics economy. The report proposes a systems change to address the causes of plastic pollution, combining reducing problematic and unnecessary plastic use with a market transformation towards circularity in plastics.

Global production has been linear, following a production-consumption-disposal approach resulting in increasing demand and production of all products, especially plastics.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Lokesh Kumar Khurana Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 09/05/2023.

Grievance in the application was against unscientific dumping of solid waste in Lohiyanagar Awasiya Yojna on Meerut Hapur road near village Ghosipur by Nagar Nigam Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.

The report filed by the District Magistrate, Meerut said that no solid waste plant has been installed for processing of fresh solid waste generated in Meerut.
